What is Unlisted Video on YouTube?

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Using YouTube settings can often be confusing to understand both for general public and YouTube Creators. In this blog post by RankYa I’ll cover common Questions & Answers related to YouTube videos and YouTube channel.

Video Tutorial Showing What is Unlisted Video on YouTube?

What are Unlisted Videos on YouTube?

Unlisted videos on YouTube are videos that a person has uploaded and they have set the video visibility privacy settings to be unlisted. unlisted video setting

Can you share URL of unlisted video?

YES. You can share the video URL and anyone with that URL can watch your unlisted video.

Can unlisted video be added to a channel section?

YES. You can add unlisted videos to YouTube Channel section. If you do, then everyone visiting channel section can see the video.

Can unlisted video show up in search, related videos, and recommendations?

NO. Unlisted videos are kept away from common YouTube features as search results, related videos and YouTube won’t recommend unlisted videos to YouTube community.

Can unlisted video be Posted on your channel?

NO. YouTube won’t show unlisted videos in YouTube channel uploaded videos section.

Can unlisted video show up in Subscriber feed?

NO. Subscribers won’t be notified nor will they see unlisted videos in their YouTube feed.

Can unlisted video be commented on?

YES. If comments are enabled for the unlisted video, anyone watching the video can comment on it.

Can unlisted video show up in a public playlist?

YES. When a YouTube playlist is made public, the videos can be accessed through their video watch URL. This also means unlisted video will show up in any public playlist.

By RankYa

RankYa is a content creator and digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.

We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.

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