JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language for web working in perfect harmony with PHP. Almost all websites in 2024 are built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP to create dynamic content. This means that there is great search engine optimization opportunity for certain types of websites built on certain types of Content Management… Continue reading How To SEO JavaScript (JS)
Tag: search engine optimization
How To SEO Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is important for enhancing a website’s visibility and accessibility to search engines. CSS is primarily responsible for the visual presentation of a webpage, but optimizing CSS for SEO in 2024 involves few key steps as will be detailed on this page. Video Tutorial Showing How To… Continue reading How To SEO Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
How To SEO Web Images
Well-optimized images can improve a product’s visibility in search engine results, driving organic traffic as well as higher conversions and potential sales. Google is also an image search engine, and in the year 2024 search engines like Google can actually evaluate image contents (Google Lens here) including text within images, using actual text on the… Continue reading How To SEO Web Images
How To SEO Outbound Links
Links are the binding glue of WWW, and within that world wide web are resources identified, as in, located through their URL (Uniform Resource Locator). For Google search engine algorithms, a web page is a resource, and thus, Google evaluates everything within that web resource, and any linked resource. Outbound Links “Outlink” is a web… Continue reading How To SEO Outbound Links
How To SEO Internal Links
Links are the binding glue of WWW internet. Include relevant internal links (links to other pages on your site). Particularly the navigation structure of the website should include the most important target keywords. A hyperlink, often referred to simply as a “link,” is a clickable element in a document (usually text or even an image)… Continue reading How To SEO Internal Links
How To SEO Textual Content
Create content that is valuable, informative, and original. Avoid duplicating content from other sources, Google in 2024 will only index helpful, reliable and people first content. When optimizing textual part of a web page, first focus your attention in the include your most important keywords naturally within content area. Focus on inserting target keywords particularly… Continue reading How To SEO Textual Content
How To SEO Meta Tags
Unknown to many website owners, there are many different types of meta tags a HTML document can include, not just web page Meta Description or the meta tags and attributes that Google supports. HTML metadata refers to information about a particular web page. These are additional signals web browsers and search engines can analyze. Metadata… Continue reading How To SEO Meta Tags
The web page title is not part of the text of the document, but is a property of the whole document. In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the <title> element is used to define the title of a web page. It is placed within the <head> section of an HTML document and is not visible on… Continue reading How To SEO HTML TITLE Element