How To SEO Heading Tags

Headings in HTML reflect the web page’s organization, web browsers, plug-ins, and also website visitors whom rely on assistive technologies can use headings for in-page navigation. h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 are used to identify headings (just like in magazines, or a book) within web documents. In terms of how to optimize heading tags… Continue reading How To SEO Heading Tags


The web page title is not part of the text of the document, but is a property of the whole document. In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the <title> element is used to define the title of a web page. It is placed within the <head> section of an HTML document and is not visible on… Continue reading How To SEO HTML TITLE Element

How To SEO URL Structure

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs, aka URLs) are short strings that identify resources in the web (documents, images, downloadable files, services, electronic mailboxes, and other resources). The keyword here is resources. In terms of search engine optimization for higher Google rankings in 2024, optimizing URL structure using best practices plays… Continue reading How To SEO URL Structure

Free Step-by-Step SEO Training Course for 2024

Search engine optimization requirements are changing due to mobile-device increase to access the internet, AI distrupting Google search results and other factors such as global competition of multinational giants (Facebook vs YouTube vs TikTok etc.). Today, Google offers you capability to search an image with Google Lens. Own a smartphone with Location setting turned on?… Continue reading Free Step-by-Step SEO Training Course for 2024