_ga_DEZKZNZP19 | .rankya.com | 399 Days | / | cookie set by Google (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |
_ga | .rankya.com | 399 Days | / | cookie set by Google (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |
_gcl_au | .rankya.com | 89 days | / | cookie set by Google (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |
NID | .google.com | 183 days | / | cookie set by Google, enables personalized autocomplete features in Search as you type search terms |
AEC | .google.com | 6 Months | / | cookie set by Google,, Detect spams, fraud, and abuse to help ensure correct interactions with ads |
1P_JAR | .google.com | 1 Month | | cookie set by Google (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |
DV | .google.com | 0 Days | / | cookie set by Google (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |
_fbp | .rankya.com | 3 Months | / | cookie set by Facebook (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | .youtube.com | 182 | / | cookie set by YouTube (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA | .youtube.com | 182 | / | cookie set by YouTube (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |
YSC | .youtube.com | 0 | / | Session cookie set by YouTube (captures user's website interaction during a visit session) can be used for personalized ads including retargeting |
test_cookie | .doubleclick.net | 400 days | / | cookie set by Google (marketing platform) (captures user's website interactions such as page views), tracks and collects data, used for personalized ads including retargeting |