SEO Copywriting Simplified

Web Page illustration

Writing web copy that converts more, and writing web copy that also gets higher Google rankings is called SEO Copywriting. Great content creation where you pass on your own unique voice, marry that with precise keyword insertion for Google rankings will bring better results no doubt.

Don’t make an honest mistake by listening to me, or even other so called SEO Copywriters (whom just use some target keywords and call that Web Copywriting).

The Basics of SEO Copywriting

You already know what keywords you would want to see top Google rankings for, you may even have experience in writing things. The best part of search engine optimization is everything is visible online, whether its your competitor’s website or your ideal customers, they leave cues online, and, you can follow the online footprint.

Basically, before you even write a single word, conduct thorough research and conduct a Google search. Find out which websites are ranking in top position, visit those websites to identify communication patterns, as in which keywords they are targeting and using. Then, visit online communities (Facebook for example) and read through reviews comments to find out what your target audience really wants.

Ultimately, find out exactly what do they like about the products and services. What do they not like about the products and services.

History of SEO Copywriting

The truth is, print media is on the way out, as a result, most copywriters shifted to online world taking their great writing skills with them. But unfortunately for them, The Internet is different, it even has its own language, HTML.

As for as search engine optimization is concerned, even if you are advertising through Google Ads, you still have to focus your attention on great copywriting because Google’s entire network and algorithms work on keywords and links. So does achieving higher website conversions.

Get to Know Your Ideal Customers Intimately

First rule of Web Copywriting is your understanding of who your ideal customers are and creating content accordingly. For example: if my ideal customers are aged between 18 – 30, and if your ideal customers are aged between 40 – 50. Then as you would agree, we both would need a different approach when writing the web copy.

Perhaps that’s common sense, nonetheless it’s not common practice. We all need to research about website visitors wants and needs to be effective web copywriter.

You can even role play and speak out loud, from “hello nice to have met you” to asking questions and communicating the features of your services / products and the value / benefits of having your products. Imagine!

At the end of the day, whatever you do, make sure that you intimately know your ideal audience before you begin writing a single word.

Because that’s what your website is there for, for you to communicate your understanding of your website visitors, their wants, needs, problems so that they know you are on their side

SEO Copywriting 101

We can begin to write fully search engine optimized web pages that has all the SEO elements in place like the example below: On Page SEO

Place your most important root keywords in all the right places because in terms of Search Engines like Google, it is not as smart as you think. Meaning, all search engines are limited to analyze HTML content such as keywords in the URL, H1 content, keywords found within the body tag, image file names, links and other HTML elements.

Knowing this, realize that H1 heading tags are more important than content in the footer, thus, Google will place higher importance of certain HTML elements including the font-sizes.

Furthermore, because heading tags are usually larger, they capture the attention of your website visitors allowing you to communicate effectively using H1 or H2

Don’t Write Web Copy for Search Engines

Yes, don’t even think about Google or SEO before you begin your web copy content creation, make your web copy all about your ideal customers wants and needs. That is critical because once you understand that, then everything else will come naturally for On Page SEO.

Your next step is to step back and ask yourself “where on my landing page can I place target words (synonyms and variations) I am targeting?”

Make them flow within your web copy. And when you use synonyms and variations of the keywords you are targeting, the formula is “target keywords must be mentioned more than synonyms/variations”.

For example: if my target keywords are how to rank in Google first page fast, then I can use those keywords twice in the exact order of targeting.

And then throughout my landing page I can blend synonyms “ways for, how-to, Google, webpage, web page, first, search engine, rank, ranking, rankings” making sure that my target keywords “how to” “rank” “in Google” are mentioned more often times than the synonyms or variations.

Simple Tweaks for Powerful Results

Use these insights you now learned and watch what happens to your website’s results both for Google rankings and also higher web site conversions.

Better yet, be firm when you communicate, guide your website visitors towards your call to actions. Test using words differently, e.g. instead of saying “Please Call” change to “Please do call” and don’t be shy to just speak as if you are talking to your best friend.

Words are the Only True Currency Online

When creating web copy, find ways to simplify your message, once your web copy is completed, do not publish quickly, but rather re-read to see if you can remove/reduce words but still relay the same message. You can use HTML elements such as b, strong, i, em, mark, li, ol, ul, blockquote and other HTML tags change the meaning and importance of keywords

Web Copywriting for Higher Conversions

Social proof is important as you know, sprinkle “testimonials throughout your website” using blockquote HTML tag works best for this.

Blogging? Make sure each blog post at least ends with clear Call to Action. Do not let your website visitors guess what to do, inform them as to what to do next. For your contact page, only have form fields which are absolutely necessary (make your forms simple as possible) and make sure to briefly detail what happens after they press the Send Button.

Try these techniques and see the results for yourself.

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By RankYa

RankYa is a content creator and digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.

We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.

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