How to Remove Negative Content from Google Search

different processes for removing content from search engines

Have you been losing sleep due to negative reviews or content about you or your business found in Google search results? You are not alone, and also, its more than likely that you’ve read through other websites and perhaps even hired online reputation management companies to no avail. That’s because removing negative content from Google search engine is well, its nearly impossible if you don’t understand how Google works and how their removal policies differ according to each Google product or service.

These are the common search patterns people or businesses usually ask Google

  • How to push down negative reviews from Google
  • How do I erase my name from internet
  • My competitor is saying negative things about my business how do I remove them
  • How to remove negative articles from Google
  • How to get negative search results taken down Google search results

RankYa’s attempt will be to clarify and guide you so that you can take action, or at least don’t get ripped off by so called Guaranteed Name Removal Reputation Management BS services who usually do more damage to your personal name or business name.

First thing is that if you are eligible for European Union data protection laws, then visit: Request removal of content indexed on Google Search based on data protection law in Europe. If you are not, and even if the country you are living in has strong privacy laws, you are still subject to public internet terms (its the Wild Wild West) like UFC no holds barred anyone can say anything about anyone else. So therefore:

Removing Negative Content from Google Search Results

If you haven’t done so, then remember that Google has policies in place as to what information Google may remove

Information You can Take Down
  • National identification numbers like U.S. Social Security Number, Argentine Single Tax Identification Number, Brazil Cadastro de pessoas Físicas, Korea Resident Registration Number, China
  • Resident Identity Card, etc.
  • Bank account numbers
  • Credit card numbers
  • Images of signatures
  • Nude or sexually explicit images that were uploaded or shared without your consent
  • Confidential, personal medical records of private people
Information Google does not usually remove
  • Date of birth
  • Addresses
  • Telephone numbers

If you believe your information found through Google falls within a category that Google is willing to remove the information, then, begin Removing information from Google process.

Google has many different products such as Image Search Google+ Blogger etc. so if the information you want to remove is located at Google products/services, then begin answering What Google product does your request relate to? (Web Search Google Image etc.) Removing Content From Google

The Facts About Removing Content from Google Search

The fact: apart from Google information removal policies, and apart from the information you want gone from Google search results being on Google’s own products/services. You are left alone at the mercy of these website owners who post and publish your details.

And not to mention the sharks, some are just as bad so called Online Reputation Management Services (usually promise you to remove the results) (which in itself is a lie for 99.99% Google search results). Because, online reputation management services must also adhere to Google policies. And perhaps just like you, they will contact the website owners who will usually ignore your email messages.

If you are unsure as to who owns the website your details are at, simply conduct a Whois search, and also note down as much details about the website hosting company (usually emails found with Whois search will reveal which company hosts the website online) (which you may actually contact if contacting the website owner doesn’t result in any response) (you may want to send a letter of abuse about the domain in question to the hosting company. Note that even if the web hosting company takes action, the website owner can easily find another web hosting company to re-put the same detail).

Before you spend a penny, cent, dime, shilling, bitcoin or whatever else currency you are using just remember this

Google does NOT Own or Control the Search Results as they are automated information and links pointing to other public internet domains.

That means, those who guarantee removal of names or negative reviews usually follow retarded ways to manage reputation (usually, low quality (cheap articles) with so called SEO for higher Google rankings, low quality free for all Web 2.0 backlinks). WARNING: stay away from such practices or else your content found on internet will be even harder to manage because once a company begins on this path, they actually can’t remove that additional information they place on such low-quality websites, as a result causing more harm than good. You can visit Google help section here to Manage your online reputation.

What then happens is that information you want removed may actually go down (if its located on poorly built unpopular scam type of sites) for a little while (this is because Google has a long memory and tracks people’s behaviour once they visit a link from Google search results).

However, if the information you want buried from Google search is on popular websites, then you need to be thoughtful about the dilemma you are facing. Meaning, the more popular the website the information you want buried is at, the harder you will need to work at pushing down those unwanted content

How to Push Down Negative Business Reviews from Google

It is more common than not that a disgruntle customer, competitor, or just outright idiot leaves a bad review for your business (or name if you are a famous person) usually the small business community who suffers due to negative reviews, perhaps, Google Plus My Business Listing Reviews, Facebook Reviews, Yelp Reviews or other review related sites.

What you can do in such scenario is actually be the wiser business owner and actually craft a response because the more time you avoid responding will mean that you are actually losing business. Your reply will counteract the negative review and show others who read it that you are a dedicated business owner who is willing to own up to bad customer service provided by your employees and that you are taking care of this. Being polite and professional will go a long way. This is the first course of action you should take.

If the review is just wrong and provided for your Google My Business Review, then you can flag and report the review by following Flag and fix inappropriate content

Then, second best thing you can do is create a review page on your business website (name it as reviews) for and then title it HTML < title >ABC Sample Business Reviews Place positive reviews and mention keywords as ABC Sample Business Reviews, or, Reviews for ABC Sample Business Services etc. at least couple of times throughout your content (you can also include an image on that reviews page and name it like abcsampelbusiness-customer-reviews.jpg etc. and then also provide an option for the next customer to leave a review (simple contact form works best online). Furthermore, getting reviews from your future customers should be part of your business growth online (you can offer incentives for this, try it and you’ll see) but never you buy fake reviews as its just not the right way to go about things online or in life.

You can then invest in owning a domain name in addition to your business domain, for example and then showcase positive reviews on that new site which is rather affordable if you can do it yourself (you can even hire RankYa to quickly set this up and rank in Google using Google SEO mastery skills).

Then it is just matter of understanding that despite your best intentions and efforts, all businesses will every now and then get negative review for a product or service they provide. To manage these types of negative reviews, you must be active and never shy away from replying to rectify this type of responses from customers.

How to Remove Negative Articles from Google

Articles are the easiest to manage online, what you can do is contact the website owner and ask them the remove this information (or get your lawyer to do so). However, most people have their information on websites whose business it is to have the very content you want removed. So your request could fall on deaf ears.

Fortunately, removing negative articles from Google (as in pushing them down in Google results) isn’t that hard, once again, we can not remove content from Google unless it violates Google Policies if the content is within Google guidelines, then, you can only push it down bury it in ranking. Or grab a recently deleted domain name, put out content including the article, back date it and then claim DMCA take down notice. Although I do not recommend that you follow this approach, its still an option isn’t it?

Google search results for Desktop results are made up of 10 organic listing, although occupying all the 10 organic listing isn’t hard depending on keywords you want to bury. That means, given that the keywords you want to remove occupy the first 10 results, then, no-body actually visits the second page. In fact, when done right, even if someone visits the second page of Google (which is 11th position) the information they read at that moment will not have authority because you are controlling the first 10 position with the right type of content (you could also control the second page results as well).

At the end of the day, the best advice is to be active in managing your own content found through Google, because its not going anywhere unless you take action.

More How to’s by RankYa

How to Remove Negative Content from Google SearchHow to Remove Negative Review from GoogleRemoving Content from Google

You can consider hiring RankYa to conduct online research, provide answers and solutions to get your details removed from Google. Contact for Removing Results from Google

By RankYa

RankYa is a content creator and digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.

We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.

1 comment

  1. This is exactly what is needed, experience from RankYa, because I was trying to get some bad content from disgruntle customer that was affecting my business (for many month my business suffered), I wanted it taken off the internet, period. Bad experience with 2 other reputation management companies (do your research, don’t believe all you read), and it was only until I hired RankYa my business results changed for better. I can’t find the bad content anymore. Highly recommend

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