To be able to Select all and Delete all of Chrome History, understand that Google Chrome Browser History is tied to Google Account Activity. This means, if you only delete browsing data in Chrome Browser, this will not delete everything from Chrome History. When you want to select all and delete all, follow these steps instead:
Video Lesson for Selecting ALL & Deleting ALL Chrome History at Once
Video Tutorial Showing ALL Chrome History Settings for Deletion
Deleting All Google Chrome Browsing History on Desktop Device
Step 1: Open Chrome Settings:
Step 2: Choose Time Range ‘All time’ Check Browsing Data > Delete Data
Select and Delete All Chrome History Saved in Google Account Activity
Step 1: Login to your Google Account. Visit Chrome History section.
Step 2: (from left hand-side menu) Select Delete all > Confirm Deletion
Option to Delete ALL Chrome Data in Your Account
Caution: when following this option, you’ll be deleting everything tied to your usage of Google Chrome. This included saved History, saved passwords, Payment methods, addresses, Chrome Settings, and other activity history. You may want to consider using Google Takeout first before using this option.
When you sign in to Chrome, you can save your bookmarks, history, passwords and other settings in your Google Account. This saved data can be used on any device that is synced with your Google Account (mobile device, Google TV etc.). Visit this link to delete chrome data in your account.
How Do I Select All When Deleting Chrome History
Simply ensuring that I select “All time” this will ensure Google selects all chrome browsing data.
Using Google Chrome Browser (go to Chrome Setting (press on 3 … dots on top right corner) then select ‘Settings’).
Using Google Web & App Activity:
Next > Check Chrome > Delete (this will delete all activity)
Can I Delete My Search History All At Once?
Yes. Using Google My Activity Controls for Web and App Activity. When you choose Delete > Always, this will delete all Search History all at once.
Android Settings for Deleting Chrome History
You can follow the same steps above if you’re using Android device for selecting and deleting all history Google saves.
Clear Chrome Browser History on Android
Delete Google Chrome Activity on Android
Open Settings > Google > Press on your profile image > Google Account > Select ‘Data and Privacy’ > My Activity
The settings for deleting everything from Chrome History for Android Device is the same as above steps as highlighted in this blog post.
To learn more about deleting your Chrome browsing history visit the help section.