The web page title is not part of the text of the document, but is a property of the whole document.

In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the <title> element is used to define the title of a web page. It is placed within the <head> section of an HTML document and is not visible on the actual webpage, but it appears in the title bar or tab of a web browser.

HTML TITLE example

Here’s an example of how you would SEO the <title> element: <title>How to SEO Tutorial for 2024 - Ultimate Guide by RankYa</title>
<title>Women's Black Leather Belt - Perfect Fit Guaranteed</title>
<title>Plumbing Services Melbourne CBD - Fast & Affordable</title>
<title>Laptop Repair Services -</title>
Here’s an example of how you would NOT SEO the <title> element: <title>Introduction</title> (to what?)
<title>Leather Belts</title> (for whom?)
<title>Plumbing Services</title> (serving where?)
<title>Laptop Repair Services -</title> (this is okay for website front page, but a mistake to use on all web pages)

Video Tutorial Showing How To SEO HTML TITLE Element

How-To SEO Web Page TITLE Element RankYa Way

First rule of Search Engine Optimization and higher Google rankings: stop listening to so called pexperts. HTML TITLE isn’t related to SEO per se, because it is a Web Standard HTML Specification for web pages to have Title Element.

HTML TITLE ELEMENT should identify the content of the document in a fairly wide context. And Google guidelines and search algorithm updates strongly stating to create helpful content for people means, avoid at all costs spamming the TITLE with keyword repeats, instead, follow the above insights and RankYa SEO because it is easier for search engine Optimization for 2024

Each web document should have only 1 <TITLE> tag. When a web page URL includes important keywords, those keywords can be included in the <TITLE> element.

You optimize a particular web page for certain keywords right? Then, you need to step back, consider using the target keywords (which will be in the URLs and now the HTML <TITLE>) throughout other important web page elements such as Heading Tags, image file names, linking structure etc.

Can You (Should You) Change the TITLE of Published Documents?

Yes, if your website isn’t performing well and your Click-Through-Rates are low, and if the Title element is not following the best practices for Title link guidelines you can update your web page title. Because you can influence title links shown in Google Search Results Page (SERP).

However, if your web pages are already performing well in search results, you may want to leave them as they are without changing them. But if you believe you can now search engine optimize them better, then, do so change the TITLE adhering to these guidelines.

Understand this fact about Google rankings “Google looks at the entire <HTML> document” and “no single SEO factor is as important as all them combined”. What this basically means is, you do what you can as the Content Management System and your business website model allows. And do not lose sleep thinking if you just SEO the TITLE element you will gain or drop in Google ranking position.Links to Each Lesson (includes video sessions)

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By RankYa

RankYa is a content creator and digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.

We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.


  1. RankYa’s SEO title is within google guideline. How would look like? Yes he showed it practically and provided some useful examples the good strategy of html title. Each page should have html title and put target keyword with enticing words for CTA.

    Thanks RankYa. Keep contributing.

    1. Thank you Ati, you are the best, please do continue learning because once you make a decision, and, each day focus on it (regardless of life’s challenges) then your mastery will be achieved. You can apply this to anything else you do online.

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