
SEO Course by RankYa

SEO short for Search Engine Optimization, is your ability to tweak and optimize your website so that search engines like Google Bing Yandex and others find your content easy to understand, as a result rank higher in organic search results pages. Here’s the latest SEO Starter Guide by Google.

Can All Website Owners Do SEO?

Absolutely, regardless of the technical knowledge you may have, you can indeed optimize your website for great results. As you will learn in this SEO training course.

Can I Optimize My Own Website?

Anyone can tweak their website for best possible Google ranking results. Especially today as most Content Management Systems allow you to adjust certain web site elements such as web page titles and descriptions as well as many SEO tools and plugins can make website optimization easy.

Where Do I Start?

Before you embark on any optimization techniques, you should always begin with thorough customer profiling and get acquainted with who your ideal customers are. Because, at the heart of SEO is keywords and how you will need to use them on your site “both for your website visitors and also for search engines like Google”. To download an editable and useful editable SEO & Online Marketing (PDF).

Everything Business Website Optimization Starts With Keyword Research

Everything online success starts with choosing and using the right words, be for top Google organic rankings or better website conversions we all use words. Without them, there is no website, without them there is no internet.

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By RankYa

RankYa is a content creator and digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.

We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.


    1. Hello Mathew, SEO analyst is too specific, although the term implies that you’ll be able to analyze website’s optimization (rankings, code, on page SEO, off site marketing (as in backlinks, anchor text) (at times even competitor analysis)) as in, ability to analyze a website from search engine optimization point of view. Usually, jobs advertised are titled “SEO Specialist” or “SEO Manager” keep in mind that once you complete this SEO course, you will have great knowledge about SEO, enjoy your learning.

  1. Hello sir I am new to SEO but I have our own please help me who to APPLY SEO for our webpage

  2. OK, really dumb question, but reading the above my question is: Do I write my content for my researched customers OR for the Google bot?

    Thank you for your reply in advance. Really love your work most SEO training I struggle with, but I like your approach, you try to keep it simple! Appreciated.

    1. Hi Rob, you write the content for people first (*NOT* for Googlebot) when you have that useful engaging content created, then, you can come back and ask “okay now the content I created is done, I should sprinkle some keywords that people are searching for”. This is one option: another one is:

      As you get comfortable with content creation, then, you simply search Google and identify some keywords people are searching for, then, create the content accordingly, and while you are creating that content, you can:

      Place some keywords within headings (h1, h2, h3 etc.) as well as first paragraph of that content, then sprinkle some keywords while you are creating the content. This will then allow you to have targeted content that your website visitors will appreciate because you’ve taken the time to create it, as well as Google because it will also see the keywords you used on that content. I hope this simplified your question, and thank you once again for spreading the word about #RankYa #SEO thanks Rob

    1. Hello Ankit, its great that you are learning to take things from the beginning to learn about “how to really create greatness on internet” and it all starts with customer research. Because finding keywords as you know is easy “just use Google search box and Keyword Planner Tool and all done”. However, what most people don’t realize is that the way you write on your landing pages (as in communicate through your website) is as important, if not more important than First Position Google Rankings.

      That is why customer research is important, although I can’t teach you how to do customer research in just a comment reply, I believe I can at least plant the seed like so:

      Think of customer research just a like girl you fancy “initially you don’t even know her name” so what you can do is ask “Google” by typing in search terms related to “any niche keywords” explore what Google shows you, because just like the example of a wise girl you are after “Google shows you” what interests her, then, looking at the results and visiting few social profiles will then show you what really interests her, what are her desires, where does she go online, what ticks her off, what she likes, and dislikes (is it prices? range of choices?) etc.

      Now spending an hour or two doing this is a great start, then brainstorm ideas as to “how will you address all you that you found in your research” on your own website, write content for her, optimize the page for Google (titles urls and other as shown in RankYa blog) and before long, you not only will have created a successful online business, but you will have made her love your website so that she keeps visiting it because she knows that you at least understand her.

      That’s what you do customer research, just, search Google and you have all the insights you will ever need. Thank you for spreading the word about #RankYa #SEO Ankit

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