Conditional Facebook Conversion Tracking for WordPress

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When you want to add conditional pixel event tracking / conversion tracking for your WordPress sites, the easiest option is actually to add it to WordPress template file called header.php

To locate header.php file you have 2 options, however, you should make sure that you are actually logged in to your web hosting account to locate header.php

Option 1 to Add the Facebook Conversion Tracking Code to WordPress

Web Hosting > File Manager > public_html > wp-content > themes > yourCurrentThemeName > header.php

When there, first right click and Download a backup copy. Then, Right click and choose Edit file

Locate the <head> portion before the closing of </head> portion and add any of the two sample codes below

Option 2 to Add the Facebook Conversion Tracking Code to WordPress

Although you could add the conditional conversion tracking code using the front-end of your website (its not suggested to follow this method because if something goes wrong, you’ll break your site).

Login to your WordPress site > Dashboard > Appearance > Editor > header.php (CTR+A copy what’s there and Paste it in Microsoft Notepad to keep a backup (this is important first step)

Sample Code to add and tweak IF you are using Contact Form 7 and want to track form submission

<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
fbq('init', '0000000000YourPixelCodeGoesHere0000');
fbq('track', "PageView");
PageView fires everywhere
Note: Pixel Helper may call out that you have multiple pixel events firing from the same page.
The Pixel Helper expects a page to fire a pixel event on load, but by tying events to elements, such as a button, you are using an alternative solution that overturns the expected behavior.
value: 5.99 can be changed according to your setup
//this is the main domain front page
if (is_front_page()) : ?>
 fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {content_name: 'ChangeTheNameToAnything', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD' });
<?php endif; ?>
//all posts not paginated
if (is_single() && !is_paged()) : ?>
 fbq('track', 'ViewContent', { content_name: 'ChangeTheNameToAnythingblogPosting', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD'});
<?php endif; ?>
//a particular blogPost
if (is_single('GivePermalinkOrIDofBlogPost')) : ?>
 fbq('track', 'Lead', { content_name: 'Courses', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD'});
<?php endif; ?>
//particular Page
if (is_page('GivePermalinkOrIDofPAGE')) : ?>
 fbq('track', 'Lead', {content_name: 'Plugins', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD' });
<?php endif; ?>
//track search
if ( is_search() ) : ?>
fbq('track', 'Search', {
 search_string: '<?php echo esc_html( get_search_query( false ) ); ?>'
<?php endif; ?>
//contact form 7 (change the page name if its different like is_page('contact-us')
if( is_page('contact') ) : ?>
document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7submit', function( event ) {
 fbq('track', 'Lead', {content_name: 'ContactForm', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD' });
}, false );
<?php endif; ?>
<!--leave this end script here as it ends all WordPress conditionals-->
<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="" />
<!-- DO NOT MODIFY -->
<!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

Sample code to add WITHOUT Contact Form 7

<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
fbq('init', '0000000000YourPixelCodeGoesHere0000');
fbq('track', "PageView");
PageView fires everywhere
Note: Pixel Helper may call out that you have multiple pixel events firing from the same page.
The Pixel Helper expects a page to fire a pixel event on load, but by tying events to elements, such as a button, you are using an alternative solution that overturns the expected behavior.
value: 5.99 can be changed according to your setup
//this is the main domain front page
if (is_front_page()) : ?>
 fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {content_name: 'ChangeTheNameToAnything', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD' });
<?php endif; ?>
//all posts not paginated
if (is_single() && !is_paged()) : ?>
 fbq('track', 'ViewContent', { content_name: 'ChangeTheNameToAnythingblogPosting', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD'});
<?php endif; ?>
//a particular blogPost
if (is_single('GivePermalinkOrIDofBlogPost')) : ?>
 fbq('track', 'Lead', { content_name: 'Courses', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD'});
<?php endif; ?>
//particular Page
if (is_page('GivePermalinkOrIDofPAGE')) : ?>
 fbq('track', 'Lead', {content_name: 'Plugins', content_category: 'Viewed', value: 5.99, currency: 'USD' });
<?php endif; ?>
//track search
if ( is_search() ) : ?>
fbq('track', 'Search', {
 search_string: '<?php echo esc_html( get_search_query( false ) ); ?>'
<?php endif; ?>
<!--leave this end script here as it ends all WordPress conditionals-->
<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="" />
<!-- DO NOT MODIFY -->
<!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

You can further customize these settings according to your own setup and business requirements. For example, if you wanted to track more pages, then it is just a matter of adding is_page(‘pageNameOrId’) just like the samples above.

What is Facebook Event Tracking & How to Install it to WordPress Site Video Lesson by RankYa

Create Custom Audiences & Create Conversion Campaigns

Head out to learn more about Custom Audiences and also Facebook Retargeting Campaigns using your facebook pixel because similar idea to Google Ads retargeting, you can Re-Show-Ads = Re-Target for more Facebook related easy to understand videos tutorials, check out Facebook Marketing Video Course

By RankYa

RankYa is a content creator and digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.

We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.

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