Google is dominating the Android search market, and since search experiences are changing for 2025. You can optimize your website to take advantage of a feature called Google Discover to enjoy even more website traffic. Discover is a part of Google Search that shows people content related to their interests, based on their Web and… Continue reading How to Setup Optimize and Get on Google Discover
Category: Google
Category for everything related to Google search engine and its products. How to remove content from Google, Google Maps or Google account management
How to Use Structured Data for Google Discover
Implementing structured data markup to help search engines like Google to better understand the content of your pages will also help Google Discover feature. Depending on the type of content you are creating, you can add Structured Data Markup Google supports for Rich Results to begin with. At minimum, use Article schema markup to markup… Continue reading How to Use Structured Data for Google Discover
How-to Delete All My Activity and Google History
If you’ve never deleted your Google history before, then you’d be surprised to know how much data Google has collected about your activity. Also, its actually a good practice to ensure your online privacy is better protected when you do not want Google to keep track of your activity. Let me show you how-to delete… Continue reading How-to Delete All My Activity and Google History
How-to Setup Consent Mode V2 Google Tag Manager
Clear declarations of privacy policies and getting user’s consent on websites and mobile apps are now a required part of using Google services such as Google Ads, Analytics, AdSense, Google Tag Manager or others. Video Tutorial Showing Basics for Settings Consent Mode V2 Using a Template Video Tutorial Showing Advanced Settings for Consent Mode V2… Continue reading How-to Setup Consent Mode V2 Google Tag Manager
How-to Setup Consent Mode V2 Google AdSense Publishers
Google AdSense, Ad Manager, or AdMob users need to use a Google certified CMP (Consent Management Platform) that integrates with the TCF when serving ads to users in the European Economic Area or the UK. To support publishers, the European regulations message available to Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob publishers in the Privacy & messaging… Continue reading How-to Setup Consent Mode V2 Google AdSense Publishers
How-to Setup Consent Mode V2 on WordPress for FREE
Easiest way to setup and be consent mode v2 ready is by using Google recommended consent manegement partners (most of them offer free options for small business websites built on WordPress). Below I’m going to show you various methods for ensuring your WordPress website is ready for the latest requirements, and adheres to new privacy… Continue reading How-to Setup Consent Mode V2 on WordPress for FREE
Consent Mode v2 versus Consent Mode v1
The main difference between previous versions of consent policies is, now, Consent Mode v2 must be set to denied by default, and only updated to granted state when user provides consent. All websites or Apps using google products or services for sending data to Google servers must upgrade to consent mode v2 Video Tutorial Explains… Continue reading Consent Mode v2 versus Consent Mode v1