Crazy Domains VS GoDaddy Web Hosting

in 2024, both of these companies have changed their entire user-interface and keep adding products (mostly unneeded) at checkout process. And charging for SSL Certificates in 2024 seems bit dodgy for a reputable customer focused web hosting company. Crazy Domains VS GoDaddy To thoroughly compare both companies, we need to look at a typical scenario… Continue reading Crazy Domains VS GoDaddy Web Hosting

DreamHost VPS Review

DreamHost Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are amongst one of the best you can get (based on features and pricing) especially when you want to host multiple websites for building your own private blog network. Compared to all other major players (Crazy Domains, GoDaddy, BlueHost etc.) offering VPS hosting, you just can’t beat DreamHost. Video Review:… Continue reading DreamHost VPS Review

GoDaddy VS HostGator

Today with all the new changes Google has made (core web vitals) having a great web hosting has become even more important in todays internet world. Have you used or thinking of using either GoDaddy web hosting or HostGator products? Let’s look at both web hosting providers more closely. Video Review GoDaddy VS HostGator GoDaddy… Continue reading GoDaddy VS HostGator

Best VPS Hosting Australia

Whether you’re starting a new business website or want to change the hosting for your live website, RankYa (Australian based web developer and Google specialist) has a new list of the best VPS Hosting Australia for all your online needs in 2022. Before You Buy The Best Virtual Private Server Web Hosting Almost 99.9% of… Continue reading Best VPS Hosting Australia

What is nofollow noreferrer noopener

Understanding what nofollow noreferrer noopener and how to correctly use them is important. Especially when many so called HTML or SEO experts suggest misinformation about what these HTML tags do. nofollow noreferrer noopener are HTML Link Types These HTML attributes are called link types. Which basically instructs user-agents (browsers, web crawler bots, search engines etc.)… Continue reading What is nofollow noreferrer noopener

Setup and Add Google Analytics 4 to WordPress Website

Google Analytics 4 (also known as “GA4”) is the next generation of Analytics property. This GA4 version allows you to automatically track many different user interactions with different reports compared to Universal Analytics properties. One advantage of a Google Analytics 4 property is that you can use it for a website, an app, or both a website and… Continue reading Setup and Add Google Analytics 4 to WordPress Website

How to Track Link Clicks in Google Analytics

Google Analytics Events provides an option for tracking almost any user interaction on a website. Although the next generation of Google Analytics called Google Analytics 4 automatically tracks many events, you may still want to track specific links. This blog post will show you how to do just that. All you really have to do… Continue reading How to Track Link Clicks in Google Analytics

How to LAZY LOAD Images. The Easy Way

I still see many so called SEO experts confusing the website owner community showing you complex methods such as JavaScript Coding or Intersection Observer API to trigger image to load when in viewport. But you really do not need to go to all that trouble in todays internet world, because most modern browsers have built… Continue reading How to LAZY LOAD Images. The Easy Way