Is Google Search Console Webmaster Tools Structured Data showing errors for missing author missing entry title missing updated? If so, here’s the insights you can use to fix these errors for your WordPress CMS site. Keep in mind that these items with errors are to do with: Structured Data > hentry (markup: As they… Continue reading How to Fix Missing Author Updated and Entry Title
Author: RankYa
RankYa is a content creator and digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.
We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.
How to Do Keyword Research
Keyword research is the heart of any website that can be classified as successful. Whether you are conducting keyword research for SEO, or, whether you need to find keywords for your Google Ads Pay Per Click PPC advertising campaigns “thorough keyword research is needed”. Definition of a Keyword When you think of keywords, just think of them… Continue reading How to Do Keyword Research
How to Analyze Competitors Website
Go to Google and search your industry specific keywords. Click on the website link Google shows you, and then visit the competing website. Have you analyzed competitor website? There is no business on our planet that does not have competitors. In fact, without having competition there can be no business. Regardless of your philosophical beliefs,… Continue reading How to Analyze Competitors Website
How to Conduct SEO Competitive Analysis
You and I both know that online competition never sleeps, and I’ve seen it on so many occasion that a site owner wakes up one day and finds their most important keywords are out-ranked in Google by a brand new site. Losing huge amounts of website traffic is never fun and it happens more than you think,… Continue reading How to Conduct SEO Competitive Analysis
SEO Tools
Throughout the years, working in digital space, I have used almost all Search Engine Optimization related tools available on the internet. Some have cost me hundreds of dollars, and some software creators wanted thousands of dollars for something which you do not need. If you are looking for improving your website search engine rankings and… Continue reading SEO Tools
How Does Google See Your Site
Knowing how Google sees your web site can help you to better optimize your web pages for higher Google ranking results. So what happens each time Google visits your website? Googlebot: is the name given to Google’s web crawling user agent (also known as web spiders that access your website) Google Crawl Process Simplified Googlebot… Continue reading How Does Google See Your Site
What is SEO
SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, and most beginners believe that SEO is just about using Google Ads Keyword Planner Tool to select some keywords, place them in web page meta tags. Yet, SEO actually should start by you using your common sense and identifying what your ideal customers will want when they visit… Continue reading What is SEO