Content marketing is known by many other names, such as internet marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing or even online marketing. This is a way of promoting a brand, business, products or services on the Internet using tons of tools for the purpose of driving traffic, generating leads and making sales. Internet marketing covers a… Continue reading Online Marketing: 5 Content Types You Can Use
Author: RankYa
RankYa is a digital services provider dedicated to growing your sales and business website's results. Highly experienced technical problem solver, Google products expert with proven 'Social Media Marketing' skills, RankYa (100% Australian Owned and Operated) is dedicated to helping small businesses to grow.
We're looking forward to contributing towards your online success. Contact Us.
How to Rank Higher The 6-Point Checklist
Explaining how to rank a website or a blog is as hard as explaining a beginner how to code HTML or PHP. This is an era of competition amongst website owners, and to rank higher, you need to be good at several areas. Without further ado, let’s go through a quick and easy checklist that… Continue reading How to Rank Higher The 6-Point Checklist
How to Use Yoast SEO Plugin
Managing a WordPress site? Using Yoast SEO Plugin but unsure as to how to setup and use this plugin? Welcome to RankYa SEO Blog where I show you easy Yoast SEO Tutorial all for FREE. As you know there are many search engine optimization tutors telling us to waste time by analyzing unneeded features of… Continue reading How to Use Yoast SEO Plugin
How to Fix Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress
It is a common issue and one that is actually part of running modern WordPress built website to have Errors connecting to databases. WordPress is a dynamic content management system that resides in a Database (usually MySQL) and there are many different ways you can troubleshoot Errors when establishing a Database Connection for websites built on… Continue reading How to Fix Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress
How to Remove Negative Content from Google Search
Have you been losing sleep due to negative reviews or content about you or your business found in Google search results? You are not alone, and also, its more than likely that you’ve read through other websites and perhaps even hired online reputation management companies to no avail. That’s because removing negative content from Google… Continue reading How to Remove Negative Content from Google Search
How to Fix Search Console Index Coverage Issues
The new webmaster tools, also known as Google Search Console has new features such as Index Coverage report. Basically, any report under this is to do with how Google crawls webpages and how Google indexes webpages. That means, this report is important and any errors within should be identified and must fixed. I manage many… Continue reading How to Fix Search Console Index Coverage Issues
Conditional Facebook Conversion Tracking for WordPress
When you want to add conditional pixel event tracking / conversion tracking for your WordPress sites, the easiest option is actually to add it to WordPress template file called header.php To locate header.php file you have 2 options, however, you should make sure that you are actually logged in to your web hosting account to… Continue reading Conditional Facebook Conversion Tracking for WordPress